Practice #3: Interactivity
Title of selected website: Tuenti
You can always change your settings depending on your language,the privacy you want to have...etc.
Title of selected website: Tuenti
You can always change your settings depending on your language,the privacy you want to have...etc.
Title of selected website: Megavideo
When you are watching a movie for more than 56 minutes, megavideo stops you. They give you the information (feedback) that you've been watching the movie for 56 minutes and that you have to wait half an hour or whatever to keep on watching it.
Title of selected website: Delicious
Using delicious you can elaborate a list of your favorite bookmarks so you can use it wherever you are, without worrying about working from different computers. That makes your work easier, so it's an useful tool.
Title of selected website: Knickerpicker
Knickerpicker is a web in which you can virtually try on their underwear using virtual models and choose which one fits them best, and you can even buy the underwear online. It's a good example because you personally choose which underwear you want to put on them and create a nice look.
Title of selected website: Facebook
It's a perfect example of adaptivity because when you look for some one in your search bar, it predicts who may you want to find. For example if you're looking for "Ana", it'll show all the Anas that you know, all the anas that your friends know and what's more, some groups in which the name of ana is included and may interest you. Furthermore, if you have more than one Ana as a friend, it will predict you firstly the one that you usually look for.
Title of selected website: Itv forum
It's an useful web because sometimes you watch a program which no one watches in your group of friends .In these forums you can discuss with people keen on the same kinds of programs or issues. Besides, you can give advice and learn a lot from the others.